Parent Involvement

Parent Involvement 

As a provision, we aim to build good relationships with parents/carers from the very beginning, this is a vital part of your journey with Happy Corner. 

Before starting at the nursery, tours of the premises can be arranged. Once a place has been offered  managers and staff will arrange a home visit; this is a fantastic opportunity to meet parents and your child in their own environment, allow us the time to discuss your child in detail, their needs and any concerns you may have. We believe having a good working relationship will help build confidence between home and nursery.

We communicate to parents/carers on a daily basis; sharing information about what’s going on within the setting including topics / themes, other activities, local area news etc. We also use text messaging, WhatsApp messaging, Facebook, email and the online Tapestry app to ensuring we are accessible to everybody.

Parents meetings are held termly with key people, providing the opportunity to discuss achievements, progress of children, development needs and individual targets. 

The nursery provides a drop in session on Friday afternoons for parents who need help or devices to access Tapestry. 

We appreciate any feedback from users of the nursery and have a comment box in the community centre reception, we also send out parental questionnaires twice a years. However we also pride ourselves on our open door policy ensuring parents can discuss any concerns or provide feedback at anytime to Managers.